Scholarship Application - 2020 Youth Programs
This application is for those seeking a scholarship for 2020 Evergreen Education Camps. These are offered to those who want to participate in our camps, but can not due to the price making it inaccessible. Ages 6 to 12 year old.

Scholarships are based on applicant's needs, availability in the chosen camp, and additional criteria. Please allow up to 5 to 10  business days for a response. If you have any questions regarding the application or youth camps, please email

Evergreen is a non-profit and aims to remove financial barriers as much as possible for our youth participants. We appreciate your honesty and transparency in the application process.

Scholarship would pay for:
         - 1 full-week camp, 5 days M-F
         - Bike and helmet, if needed

Participants will need to bring.
         - Lunch: Students would need to bring lunch and water daily
         - Bike: Preference is for students to bring their own bike but if students do not have a bike one can be borrowed.

Email *
What is your (applicant) name? *
Email Address *
How did you hear about the camps?
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Birth date
What is the name(s) and age(s) of the camper(s) you are applying for? *
Which date / location are you applying for? *
Do you qualify for the free lunch program at your school?
Xóa lựa chọn
Do you have a bike? (Not required to have a bike)
Xóa lựa chọn
Do you have a helmet? (not required to have a helmet)
Xóa lựa chọn
Please describe why would you like to be considered for a scholarship. *
Would you be willing to answer a few questions about your experience and the value of this scholarship after your camp participation? (This anonymous info would be shared with our funders and will help with future scholarship opportunities!)
Xóa lựa chọn
Bản sao phản hồi của bạn sẽ được gửi qua email tới địa chỉ bạn đã cung cấp.
Xóa hết câu trả lời
Không bao giờ gửi mật khẩu thông qua Google Biểu mẫu.
Biểu mẫu này đã được tạo ra bên trong Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. Báo cáo Lạm dụng