ZOE Begone! Playtest Feedback
Thanks for playing ZOE Begone! and taking the time to share your thoughts!  Your feedback is incredibly valuable so please be as detailed as you can with your answers to these few questions.

Be sure to check out our Discord if you haven't already ( https://discord.gg/t4eJk2f ) to stay up to date with development news.
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E-mail *
What's your experience with shmups? *
Did you play through the tutorial? *
Did you feel you understood the mechanics having gone through the tutorial?
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If not, which elements did you not understand?
How do you think the tutorial could be improved?
If you skipped thte tutorial, did you figure out how to play anyway?
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Arcade Mode
Which difficulty setting did you play on most in Arcade mode? *
How far did you progress in Arcade mode? *
Did you tend to upgrade your gun in the Shop? *
Did the Shop prices seem fair? *
Please share any other thoughts you have about Arcade mode.
Time Attack Mode
Which difficulty setting did you play on most in Time Attack mode? *
How far did you progress in Time Attack mode? *
Did you ever run out of time? *
How frustrating did you find Time Attack mode? *
Not at all frustrating
Extremely frustrating
Please share any other thoughts you have about Time Attack mode.
How did you find the pacing of the unlocks (extra credits, Hard mode,Time Attack mode). *
Too slow
Too Quick
Would you prefer the Hard difficulty mode to be available from the start without having to unlock it? *
Could you see the online leaderboards?
Did your score upload to steam?
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If you encountered any other bugs or performance issues, please let us know what happened in as much detail as possible.
Playtester Credit
Would you like to be credited as a playtester in the final release? *
If yes, please leave your name or handle that we should use to credit you.
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