Registration | Summer School | BATModel Project
The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) is set to host an insightful and educational Summer School from May 22 to May 24, 2024, at its premises located at Sevilla, Spain. The event, organized under the banner of the BATModel project, aims to revolutionize the modelling of agri-food trade policies.

The BATModel project represents a collaborative effort, bringing together teams specializing in econometrics and those experts at working with partial and general equilibrium models. The primary goal is to enhance the modeling of agri-food trade policies, capturing the unique characteristics of the agri-food sector.

Policy makers and professionals who deal with trade policies and trade policy analysis using economic data and models are the main target audience for this unique educational opportunity.

Applications for the Summer School are now open, so that we can assess all applications we ask you to fill in this form.

To guarantee your place, you must send us your CV and proof of your journey to the venue (hotel, flight, train or other proof). This document must be sent to the following emails:;

This project has received funding from the European's Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Nº 861932.
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What are your expectations of summer school? What support materials do you expect to find and what content do you expect to cover? 
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