Career and College Readiness Week 2023 Session Sign Up
Hello seniors! Welcome to the Career and College Readiness Week at GNA! Throughout the week of 11/06-11/09 there will be resume workshops, career presentations, college application workshops, instant decision opportunities, and sessions including crucial college-going information for anyone interested in attending any kind of college.

You will receive a raffle ticket for every session you attend and for every COLLEGE application you submit. Raffle prizes include things like college merch, gift cards, etc. So, PLEASE participate!

Please sign up ASAP using this form  

ATTENTION: Some of the sessions require additional materials, so pay attention to the "required materials" notes. If you need help completing the online applications, please reach out to Mr. Zavala!
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Monday 11/06: College Application Workshop
Select a time slot:
Tuesday 11/07: College Essay Writing and Review Workshop, LiUNA (Laborers’ International Union of North America) Presentation, and Resume Workshop/Presentation
Select one or multiple time slots:
Wednesday 11/08: FAFSA Question and FSA ID Creation Day
Select a time slot:
Thursday 11/09: Instant Decision Day
Select one or multiple time slots:
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