ACC Youth Mission Arlington Outreach  •  June 2-7, 2024
This is the registration form for ACC Youth's Mission Arlington Outreach on June 2-7, 2024.  

The Mission Arlington Outreach will begin after Sunday School on Sunday, June 2, and end at 11:30 AM on Friday, June 7.

At Mission Arlington we will be putting on children's programs called "Rainbow Express" for needy kids in apartment complexes in the greater Arlington area in the morning and afternoon (think of a Vacation Bible School / Art Camp that goes to apartment complexes in our area) on Monday - Thursday. Each evening we will eat dinner together before meeting for worship and preparing for the next day. On Sunday afternoon we will pass out flyers in the apartment complexes to invite children to the Rainbow Express program, and on Friday morning we will serve at the church, performing various clean up / maintenance tasks. Pastor Kevin and other ACC Youth volunteers will be serving alongside you throughout the week.

The cost for the week is $100.00.
    -  Subsidies are available--let PK know if you need one...

Please contact Pastor Kevin ( if you have any questions.
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Student's Information:
Student's Name: *
Student's Cell Phone Number: *
Student's E-Mail Address: *
Student's Street Address: *
City: *
Zip Code: *
T-Shirt Size: *
Parent's Information:
Parent's Name: *
Parent's E-Mail Address: *
Parent's Cell Phone Number: *
Application Questions:
Please answer the questions below honestly, thoughtfully, prayerfully, and in as much detail as possible. Your application will be read and considered by a committee.
Please describe any other mission trips or outreach projects in which you have participated and what your role was in those outreaches: *
If you’ve been part of a mssion trip before, what are your best & worst memories from that trip?: *
Why do you want to be a part of the 2024 ACC Youth Mission Arlington Outreach (be specific)? *
Do you think you’re ready to serve God on a mission outreach like this? Why or why not? *
What are some of your fears about being a part of this mission outreach (be honest)? What are some of your expectations for this mission outreach? *
What are some of your gifts and talents, and how do you feel they could be best used on this outreach? *
Please write out your testimony in the space included below and on the following page. Include three parts in your testimony: 1) Life before Christ (what was your life like before salvation), 2) Salvation experience (how you were saved, what were the circumstances around your coming to Christ), and 3) Life as a Christian (what difference has Christ made in your life, how have you grown in Christ). [NOTE: You will get a chance to share your testimony with children at Rainbow Express during the Outreach]
Testimony Part 1 • Life before Christ (what my life was like before I trusted Christ) [or what my life was like growing up if I trusted Christ as a child]: *
Testimony Part 2 • Salvation experience (how I entered into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ): *
Testimony Part 3 • Life as a Christian (what difference God has made in my I’ve grown in Him): *
Testimony Now • Please describe the present condition of your relationship with Jesus Christ: *
Agreements / Signatures:
The ACC Youth Mission Arlington Outreach is a demanding ministry experience. We will be working outside in the heat. We will be ministering to children all day in apartment communities all over Arlington, working mostly outside all day long, plus helping to clean up after meals. Because our goal is effective ministry, cheerful cooperation, enthusiastic participation, gracious and uncomplaining submission to authority, and adherence to what might seem in the moment to be senseless rules and standards while on the trip will be required--sometimes without any explanation by the leadership. *
I have read the dress code and what to bring requirements (see below) and agree to abide by them. *
All of the things which I have written on this application are accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I would like to be accepted as a missionary for the ACC Youth Mission Arlington Outreach. My parents also have read through this completed application and they support my desire to be a part of the trip. (sign by typing your full name in the space below) *
Student Application Date: *
Parental Permission:
I, the undersigned parent, give my permission for my child to participate in the ACC Mission Arlington Outreach from June 2-7, 2024.  I release Arlington Chinese Church and any representative of Arlington Chinese Church from any liability for injury to my child and damage to or loss of my property. I understand that this release applies to the activity stated above. I have been informed that the nature of the activity with Arlington Community Church and have given my consent to my child's attendance of and participation in that activity. I also give permission to render medical aid in the case of emergency.
Parental Permission Signature (sign by typing your full name in the space below): *
Parental Permission Date: *
Preferred Role for the 2024 Mission Arlington Outreach:
Indicate your preference for your role in the 2024 Mission Arlington Outreach below...
Attendance *
Most desired
Least desired
Music / Songleader *
Most desired
Least desired
Game Leader *
Most desired
Least desired
Memory Verse Teacher *
Most desired
Least desired
Puppeteer *
Most desired
Least desired
Small Group Leader *
Most desired
Least desired
Dress Code / What to Bring:
    • Bible
    • Sleeping bag (or bedding) & pillow
    • Air mattress? -- girls will be sleeping on the padded floor of the youth room, guys will sleep on the carpeted but unpadded floor of the children’s Sunday school rooms
    • Clothing for 6 days / 5 nights -- it’s June in North Texas, so it's likely to be hot--but you must pay attention to the dress code (see below)
    • Toiletries
    •  Spending money (for snacks / drinks when we stop to get ice and water before each Rainbow Express program)
    • Daily backpack (to take with you as we go out), including the following:
          o Your materials for the day
          o Water bottle
          o 1st aid kit
          o Candy / small prizes to give away to children
          o Extra activities to do with the children
    • Snack food to share with the rest of the Mission Arlington team -- we tend to be really hungry between our return to ACC and dinner time
    • A Christ-like attitude of service and love

    - Modest clothing for serving outside
    - Comfortable closed toe shoes

Modesty is the rule for the Outreach Days. We ask all participants to dress modestly, comfortably, and in something where they are ready to work. Here are a few specific guidelines for dress:
    • Shorts are fine all week long. Please no short shorts (at least fingertip length).
    • T-shirts are great to wear, but please no tank tops or any other kinds of sleeveless shirts.
    • Baseball caps are fine, but please wear forward at all times. Do not wear bandanas or any other type of head gear.
    • No leggings / tights / yoga pants / “jeggings” unless wearing modest shorts over them.
12:45 PM, Sunday, June 2 - 11:00 AM, Friday, June 7

Daily Schedule • Monday - Thursday:
    6:30 AM Wake up / Devotions
    7:00 Breakfast
    7:30 Leave for apartments
    8:00 Begin Rainbow Express #1
    12:30 PM Lunch
    1:30 Begin Rainbow Express #2
    6:00 Return to ACC
    6:30 Dinner
    7:30 Worship / Bible Study
    9:00 Activities / Free time
    11:00 Lights Out
About Mission Arlington:
Tillie Burgin and her family served the Lord as missionaries in South Korea. When the Burgins came home in 1978, after a decade of service, they knew that God had a different plan for their life, a plan which involved Arlington.

A persistent question kept coming to Tillie’s mind and heart during this time: “If we could do missions in Korea, why can’t we do missions in Arlington?”   Tillie and those closest to her began to pray. They prayed for seven years. On August 1, 1986, Mission Arlington began.

The Lord birthed Mission Arlington through the faithfulness of God’s people at First Baptist Arlington, Tillie’s home church.  Ladies from the church met each week in homes to pray. They prayed for four months prior to August 1st. Mission Arlington was birthed in prayer. That spirit of prayer still forms the foundation of everything Mission Arlington does today - 25 years later.

In 1990 Mission Metroplex was formed. The existence of Mission Metroplex allowed the participation of many churches from around the city, throughout the nation, and across the denominational spectrum. By doing this, First Baptist courageously accelerated a kingdom vision and multiplied evangelism, discipleship and ministry to people even beyond its own reach.

Today, Mission Arlington, under the umbrella of Mission Metroplex, continues to be surrounded by such a wonderful family of supporters. Individuals, families, civic organizations, schools, and businesses all join together to help Mission Arlington fulfill its mission of serving God and loving His people.

Together, we are making a difference in and for His name.
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