Parent’s Feedback on Curriculum

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the curriculum. Your insights as a parent are essential in helping us understand the perspectives of our students' support systems. Please share your thoughts on the curriculum to help us improve and tailor the learning experience for all students.

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Name of Parent *
Designation/Occupation/Qualification *
Contact Number *
Mail ID *
Student Name *
Student Roll Number *
Programme *
Class *
Rate the satisfaction level of the curriculum provided at the college. *
How do you rate the Program in terms of its relevance to the latest trends in the job market? *
Rate how well the curriculum prepares students with the practical skills required in the industry? *
Does the curriculum adequately address current industry trends and emerging technologies?
Rate the Infrastructural facilities available for teaching and learning curriculum. *

How do you rate the Teaching and Learning strategies by faculty.


Rate your student/ward progress in academics?

How engaged do you feel your child is with the curriculum and learning activities?

Are there specific courses or activities that your ward particularly enjoys or finds challenging?

Please share your valuable suggestions to contribute to the continuous improvement of our curriculum. *
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