SPEA+SPIN ESC Projects 2023/24 Contact&Personal information
Dear candidate,

First of all, thank you for your interest and application to SPEA's ESC project, coordinated by Spin Association. Please fill in this application form with your contact & personal information until the 21st of August 2023. Also, do not forget to send your CV and project ­specific motivation letter to  esc.spea@a-spin.pt. More info at: http://www.a-spin.pt/english/?p=4315

The personal data collected through this form will be processed by the Spin Association (Portuguese Legal Entity Registration number: 508499038) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation for the purpose of the ESC selection process and during the period strictly necessary to this purpose. Your data will be stored in Google Cloud, which may involve transferring it outside of the EU (Google Cloud GDPR compliance: https://cloud.google.com/security/gdpr). From its side, the Spin Association adopts appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against loss, destruction, unauthorised access, alteration or disclosure. Your data may be made available to the Host Organisation(s) you applied to. It may also be disclosed to other entities exclusively for the purposes of monitoring and reporting on the activities and accounts of the Association, when legally required. You have the right to consult, correct and block your data at any time. You have the right to delete your data from the Association's registry, though this act may lead to your exclusion from the selection process. For these purposes and for any additional questions regarding the processing of your personal data by Spin, please contact geral@a-spin.pt.
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Do you consent to the processing of your personal data by the Spin Association as laid out above? *
Nationality *
Birth date
ESC Registration Number
Phone number
Please indicate your main degree(s) or area of experience:
In this selection process priority will be given to candidates whose profile is well-suited to the proposed activities and who can be considered in one of the situations below. Please let us know if you consider that in your life you face/faced some of the following obstacles:
Health problems - e.g. chronic health problems, severe illnesses or psychiatric conditions
Educational difficulties - e.g. learning difficulties, early school-leaver, poor school performance
Cultural differences - e.g. belonging to a national or ethnic minority, immigrant, refugee or with immigrant or refugee family background
Economic obstacles - e.g. low standard of living, low income, dependence on social welfare, long-term unemployment, debt or financial problems
Social obstacles - e.g. facing discrimination because of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
Geographical obstacles - e.g. people from remote or rural areas, living on small islands or in peripheral regions, from urban problematic zones, from less serviced areas (limited public transport, poor facilities)
Disability / special needs – e.g. mental (intellectual, cognitive, learning), physical, sensory or other disabilities
Do you have any diet restrictions or allergies?
Emergency contact name and phone number
Do you have a sending organisation? If so, please let us know their name and email address (optional)
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