Find out how you can become part of the OQI community!

1. OQI Partners: OQI Partners are institutions that benefit from peer recognition for their scientific contributions or impact expertise.


  1. Either have served as OQI’s spearheading partners during its incubation phase or have consistently engaged resources to OQI’s work as OQI members for at least a year
  2. Commit to co-shape the OQI’s unique value propositions for the three years of the pilot throughout the 4A’s​
  3. Are vetted by the OQI Advisory Committee
  4. Abide to OQI’s values and openness principle

2. OQI Members: OQI Members are institutions that benefit from peer recognition for their scientific contributions or their impact expertise.


  1. Have disclosed their governance structure
  2. Commit to actively contribute on at least one of the 4A’s assiduously for at least one year​
  3. Have appointed at least one expert from their institution as focal point of contact for OQI and contributor to its working groups
  4. Abide to OQI’s values
  5. Have submitted a complete membership form with supporting documentation and are vetted by the OQI Management Team
  6. Qualify for partner level after having demonstrated their commitment for at least one year​

3. OQI Friends: OQI Friends are individuals (such as experts from the private or public sector, countries, citizens) who are committed to open science, inclusivity and all values as set out in OQI’s charter and associate themselves with the OQI. Friends socialise the OQI to their communities.

Kindly find here our: OQI Charter
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I will abide to the OQI's values and openness principles. *
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