International Obedience Seminar July 2022, Ylöjärvi
This is the registration form for the International Obedience Seminar on July 22-24 in Ylöjärvi, Finland.

Pre-registration for handlers closed on June 14 but registration for the LAST GROUP PLACES is open now! Registration for spectators open until July 20.

Please note that the registration is binding. Groups will be allocated in the order of registration and if there are more registrations than group places, not all wishes may be fulfilled. You will be informed separately about the places after the registration and the payment link will also be sent then. More specific info about your dog/wishes etc. will be asked when the group places are checked and verified and payments are made.

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Your name *
E-mail address *
Mobile number *
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Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini sporttirakki. Informa d'un ús abusiu