All sales are between the vendor and patron. Vendors are responsible for paying all sales tax collected from sales.Utah State Tax Commission information will be collected so that the Commission can mail you the required reporting forms.
Vendor has reviewed and agrees to comply with the Primrose Production Vendor Policies. Vendor agrees to abide by all rules, policies and decisions of the Derby Market as they relate to the products that are being displayed and/or the terms of Vendor’s participation in the Derby Market.
Vendor is solely responsible for any injuries Vendor incurs in connection with Derby Market and for any damage that is done to Vendor’s art, products or personal property. Vendors will obtain personal insurance. In exchange for permission to participate in Derby Market, Vendor agrees to indemnify, release, forever discharge and hold harmless, the Derby Market, Millcreek, Primrose Productions and all sponsoring organizations, and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents and volunteers from any responsibility, personal liability, claims, loss or damage of any kind, or expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or related to Vendors application to and participation in the Derby Market. This includes but is not limited to special, direct, indirect incidental or consequential damages for injuries of any kind, including but not limited to loss of life or limbs, loss of personal or business income, physical damages, or any other loss whether or not foreseeable. Neither Vendor, nor anyone acting on the Vendor’s behalf will bring or maintain any suit in any court to assert a claim against Millcreek, Prirmose Productions, its directors, officers, agents, employees or other person, for any claim that Vendor might have arising out of Vendors application to or participation in the Derby Market.
All vendors are prohibited from discriminating against any person solely on grounds of age, ancestry, ethnicity, color, race, disability, national origin, gender, marital status, medical condition, physical limitation, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
By signing this document, I agree with the guidelines and policies outlined in this document.