The Art of Self Mastery: Application
Please fill out this application if you are interest in enrolling in The Art of Self Mastery. By submitting this application you know you will have 48 hours after being accepted to secure your spot. Please reach out to if you have any questions! 
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First Name
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Email Address
Phone Number
Which experience are you wanting? *
How did you hear about The Art of Self Mastery?
Have you ever participated in transformational workshops or masterminds in the past? If so, which workshops or masterminds?
Are you ready and able to make the financial investment? 
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What are you hoping to gain from this program? If you were to have a conversation with Jackie a year from now and you were looking back over the past year, what would have had happen in your life for you to feel happy with your progress in this mastermind?
How confident are you that this program is the next right step for you in your journey? & Are you ready for this experience?
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