Immersive Learning Resources - Pilot Project
Discovery Education has chosen LGfL as lead strategic partner to pilot the next generation of immersive learning resources for schools using the latest Augmented Reality technology.

This partnership begins with an opportunity for interested ‘early adopter schools’ to be involved in a pilot project and try out their new immersive platform using iPad’s in early July.

N.B You must have iPads that are 2017 or newer.
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Details of the Pilot Project
Experience tells us that giving teachers the freedom to explore the application of immersive technology within their own school context delivers the best results for the school and LGfL.

The Pilot Project's first session will be (online) on Thursday 14th Oct @ 4pm and will be recorded for those unable to attend the first session.

At this session we will explore the role of immersive experiences in education, an introduction to the new platform and the difference between it and the previous generation AR/VR offered by LGfL.
Name (first and surname) *
Email for contact *
Role *
School name and postcode *
What version of Ipads do you have? If unsure, click this link: *
Ipad ratios (device to pupil roughly) *
We (LGfL) are committed to safeguarding the privacy of schools and Data Subjects (you) and we will only use the information we collect about your school lawfully.  Read more here: Check the boxes below to show consent: *
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