Natural Midlife Pregnancy Coaching with Ariel Andersson
I work with women on their own dynamic path who are starting/restarting family through pregnancy, yet so far without full success.. or are deciding if it is the right path for them at all.

I created this Coaching Application to see how you and I might make sense together, and how to best serve you, at all stages along the way.

Please, answer the questions, below, as honestly and openly as you feel comfortable with, so we know the best way forward in this very personal journey.
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Email *
How long have you been “trying” to get pregnant? *
Do you have a partner? Where are you aligned and mis-aligned on this path to expanding family? *
What are the top 3 challenges/frustrations you’ve had on your path to pregnancy? *
Have you been pregnant before? *
What have you tried until now/ Liked/Disliked?  Please, describe your experience, below: *
Do you have additional health challenges? *
What family history is important for me to know? *
How would your fertility and journey into pregnancy be different if you had more support? *
How would your path to pregnancy be if you had a positive-like-minded community, new ideas, easy resources, and tools and you felt better in the process? *
Are you open to New Ideas to support Intuition, Mind, Creativity, Body and Spirit to create your Pregnancy? *
What is most interesting to you, in the future? *
Any last thoughts, gaps in your own search for answers, or things you feel I need to know, just write them, below.  Your energy will guide the way, ~ Ariel Andersson
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