Mission and Vision Feedback
The PCMS Leadership Team met this summer and reviewed the responses and feedback provided in our Vision and Mission Survey. There were many commonalities and trends in the responses from teachers, staff, parents, and other members of our school community. The team collaborated to draft two working mission and vision statements. The drafted statements are included below:

Mission Draft #1 - Our mission is to connect students, families, school, and community.

Mission Draft #2 - Our mission is to develop positive relationships, support student individuality, and build skills for future readiness.

Vision Draft #1 - Our students will be Productive individuals who are Confident and Motivated to be Successful in THEIR future.

Vision Draft #2 - Our students will be adaptive and flexible problem solvers who are purpose-driven, functioning members of society.

For your reference, a MISSION statement answers the question, "What is our fundamental purpose? Why do we exist?". A VISION statement captures what we will see as a result of accomplishing our mission (what we hope to achieve).

What is your role in the PCMS community? *
Which Mission Statement most accurately represents our school's fundamental purpose? *
Provide any additional feedback on the above statements (For example, is there something you feel has been left out or is missing? Is there anything you love about either mission statement? etc.)
Which Vision Statement most accurately represents what we will see as a result of accomplishing our school's mission?
Provide any additional feedback on the above statements (For example, is there something you feel has been left out or is missing? Is there anything you love about either vision statement? etc.)
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