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YPAMフリンジソサエティ2024-25メンバー登録 Registration for the member of YPAM Fringe Society
This is the form to register for the membership supporting organization YPAM Fringe Society.
After confirming the information, our staff will contact you.
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* Indicates required question
メールアドレス E-mail
Your answer
会員種別 Membership type
個人 Individual
法人 Corporation
氏名 Name (法人の場合は担当者名)
Your answer
氏名ローマ字表記 (If you enter your name in Chinese characters.)
Your answer
ご所属 Company / Organization
Your answer
肩書 Job title
Your answer
2024-25会費納入方法 Annual fee for 2024-25
クレジットカードでお支払い by Credit Card
フリンジセンターにて現金でお支払い by Cash
会員情報公開の可否について May we publish your name as a member?
公開可 Public
公開不可 Private
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