Dance Marathon at University of North Dakota Executive Board Application
 Thank you for your interest in applying for the founding Executive Board for Dance Marathon at UND! Please fill out the information below to the best of your ability.

Dance Marathon's Executive Board is composed of student leaders that coordinate and oversee major initiatives of the program including recruitment, fundraising, morale, marketing, event planning, and much more. DM at UND is currently seeking a team of passionate, responsible, and servant-minded individuals to engage in year-long fundraising efforts and host the first successful Dance Marathon. Dance Marathon is a philanthropic student organization at UND fighting for the next generation by raising funds and awareness for Sanford Children's Hospital and kids of North Dakota.

Applications for Chair Positions - are open and will close on April 9, 2020
Interviews will take place on April 15-17 via zoom.

Follow the link below to learn more about the Dance Marathon Executive Board Structure and Descriptions:

Executive Board Applicant Requirements:
- Candidates should be organized, possess strong facilitation abilities, and be skillful at communication
- Candidates should have previous experience planning programs and facilitating events
- Candidates should have a passion for leadership and be excited to make a lasting impact on the Grand Forks community
- Candidates must be in good academic and conduct standing with UND
- Candidates must have and maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher
- Candidates must be full-time students at UND throughout the 2020-2021 academic year.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Expected Graduation Term (ex. Spring 2020) *
Major(s) *
Applying for a chair position, please select your top 3 positions.
Please see list of positions in application description
Please list campus involvement (include leadership positions if applicable) *
Why are you interested in serving as a 2020-2021 Dance Marathon Executive Board member? *
What experience and ideas do you have to help you succeed on the Executive Board and with the SPECIFIC POSITIONS you are applying for? *
What are some ideas and experiences you have to increase Dance Marathon's presence on campus and in the community? *
Why is Dance Marathon important to you? What benefit do you see in this program for the campus community and the overall community? *
Please share any questions you have about next steps:
Please type your full name to certify that all information and responses provided in this application are completed with your full personal integrity and to the best of your personal ability. *
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