Nail Bar Sessions
Hiya Lady!

First off, thank you so much for your interest in hosting a Nail Bar Session with me!

I want to be sure that your Nail Bar Session is as unique and fabulous as you! To do so, I'll need to ask for some deets to make the most out of your event!

With each session, I will be showering you goodies just for booking and then additional goodies for reaching different tiers in your session.

May your Mani be as fierce as you!
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Email *
First & Last Name: *
Your phone number: *
Do you prefer to text or video chat? *
Your Mailing Address (for your goodies): *
Would you like your Nail Bar to be done  *
What month would you like to host? *
Do you expect that you'll have to do anything? *
Anything else you want to add? *
Would you be interested in learning how to monetize your income with GelMoment?
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Thank you for taking the time to fill this form! Please look out for a call or text within 48 hours! In the meantime follow me on Instagram / Facebook: SolebeautyDezigns

Can't wait to chat soon 


Maddie AKA Sole Beauty Dezigns
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