Fellowship Bible Church Facilities Usage Agreement

At Fellowship Bible Church our staff is delighted that you would choose our facilities for your personal event use. In filling out the agreement it is important to note, Fellowship Bible Church Searcy has set in place a Facilities and Equipment Usage Policy to make clear the expectations of the renter and Fellowship.

Facilities/Equipment Usage Policy:

     At Fellowship Bible Church we view all of the property and facilities God has entrusted us (including furniture, fixtures, and equipment) as holy and set apart to worship God, regardless of the location of the facility. (Colossians 3:17) Fellowship Bible Church facilities are consecrated to our religious ministry and mission because they are a provision from God.

Use of Fellowship Bible Church property shall be for the propagation of the Christian faith, for fellowship, witnessing, religious teaching, and charity. Therefore, all use and occupancy of Fellowship Bible Church property shall be limited to persons of our particular religion, the propagation of religion, or related religious purposes.  All activities on church property must cohere with the religious purpose of Fellowship Bible Church and further its Christian mission, whether activity has an overt liturgical religious purpose (preaching, worship services, Bible instruction, communion, baptism) or a non-liturgical religious purpose (social service, mentorship, community service, benevolence, charity, schools).

Fellowship Bible Church conducts all activities in order to advance or express its Christian mission, message, and viewpoint. Furthermore, Church facilities use shall be exclusively conditioned on whether the use promotes Fellowship Bible Church mission, message and viewpoint, as all facility usage is an opportunity to glorify God. In addition, church property is exclusively reserved for persons and organizations who agree to abide by Fellowship Bible Church’s “Statements of Faith” (I.E… Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Mission Statement, and Vision Statement), which are incorporated herein by reference, as if fully set forth herein.  

   Likewise, Fellowship Bible Church facilities may not be used by persons or groups holding, advancing, or advocating beliefs that conflict with the Fellowship Bible Church’s written Statements of Faith, which are incorporated herein by reference, as if fully set forth herein.  Any facilities that are made available to approved non-members for usage are meant to further the Fellowship Bible Church calling to minister to others, in the vein of charity and witnessing to our faith. For this reason, Fellowship Bible Church property cannot be used for purposes that contradict the church’s beliefs, which would constitute a grave violation of the church’s faith and religious practice, as well as degrade the Fellowship Bible Church religious integrity. (II Corinthians 6:3; and 14, I Thessalonians 5:22) 

   Included is a registration form that needs to be completed so that we can finish booking your event. Please be careful to read each section of this agreement as the information contained in this packet is vital to a seamlessly run event. 

*FBC Mission: Reaching out through grace to build mature and equipped Christ Followers who will in turn make disciples of all nations.
*FBC Vision: Advancing the Kingdom of God in Searcy and around the world.
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