Wellness in the Armour Room Request
Wellness in the Armour room request form - please read the rules and regulations before making a reservation:

Wellness in the Armour Room may only be reserved for wellness related events, it is not a space for club meetings, debates, singing auditions, ect. This is a space for organizations to hold wellness events for their members or the wider Davenport/Yale community.

Requests should be made by a Davenport College student who will be in attendance throughout the event. All rooms must be put back in order after use. Remove trash from area and put in basement trash receptacles. You will be responsible for the orderly conduct and prompt conclusion of the event. Unless specific permission has been granted, no alcohol will be provided, served, or allowed.
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Full Name *
Year *
netID *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Date(s) *
Start Time *
End Time *
Alternate date, if not available
Alternate start time, if not available
Alternate end time, if not available
Registered Organization *
Type of event / event description (relation to wellness) *
Special Needs:
Is this event open to all Davenporters? Do you want this event to be publicized in the Gnome Notes?
Number of people involved *
I agree to respect the space and clean up when my group is done. *
Electronic Signature
I agree to the rules and regulations regarding the event space. I agree to abide by all policies established by the Office of University Productions, the Office of the University Fire Marshal, and other provisions of the Yale College Undergraduate Regulations. I will alert the Davenport Office if any changes to this reservation are necessary.
Name *
Date Signed *
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