StoryDrops giveaway 🏆
Shape the future of StoryDrops by sharing your thoughts! Take our quick survey for a chance to win a Thames & Hudson's Photofile. Your insights matter—let's create something extraordinary together!
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Where did you hear about StoryDrops? 
Please rank the importance of the following factors in your decision to continue subscribing to StroryDrops
1 (Not important at all)
5 (Extremely Important)
Discovering new photographers
Learning about different street photography projects
Reading interviews with photographers
Stay updated in the street photography world
Discover new parts of the world
Be part of a community
The format of each newsletter edition
How often do you read the newsletter? 
How satisfied are you with the selection of street photographers and their projects?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
How would you rank the readability and clarity of the newsletter content?
Very poor
How important is it for you to have a mini project in each edition versus a selection of standalone photos from different photographers? 
Not important at all
Extremely important
Do you enjoy learning more about the photographer through brief interviews?
What are your favorite questions in the photographer's interview ?
(multiple choices possible)
Which questions do you find less useful?
(multiple choices possible)
How well does StoryDrops meet your expectations for showcasing diverse perspectives in street photography?
Not at all
Exceeds expectations
What would be the best days for you to receive each edition of the newsletter?
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Is there anything you feel is missing or would like to see added in the newsletter?
We would appreciate a real constructed answer.
Which editions of StoryDrops do you find most memorable?
Would you miss StoryDrops if it no longer existed?
I don't really care
Yes, keep going!
Who is the next street photographer you would like to see featured in StoryDrops?
How likely are you to recommend StoryDrops to a friend or photographer?
Extremely Unlikely
Absolutely Will Recommend
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