Ouchi Juku Tour RSVP
This is the RSVP for the Ochi Juku Tour. This tour will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022. We will going to To No Hetsuri, Okuchi Juku, Kuimaru Elementary School, and Enzoji Temple. We will experience Aizu in the fall season. 
We are looking into staying at a ryokan on Saturday because to some the drive might be long. Once we get a commit answer we will find the most affordable ryokan we can in the area. We will update those who are interested about the ryokan about cost and location. 
Last day to RSVP for a ryokan is Wednesday, September 28, 2022. 
We will not hire a bus for this event. So we will like to ask drivers to volunteer rides for others. 
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Write your name. *
Do you want to stay over at a ryokan on Saturday, October 15, 2022? *
If so, what is your budget for the ryokan? *
Do you have any diet restriction? *
Can you drive? *
If you can drive can you offer people lift? *
If you need a ride, are you willing to give money to the driver for gas? *
Are you vaccinated? *
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