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Mechanized Infantry Feedback
* Indicates required question
Player Questions
How many matches have you played in Armored Warfare on the main (live) server?
Below 1000
More than 20000
What’s your favorite mode in Armored Warfare?
Global Operations
PvE (including Special Operations)
No preference
Do you play the AFVs that are getting the option to deploy Infantry?
Yes, that’s my favorite class
Yes, but they aren’t my first choice
Only a little
Not at all
Mechanized Infantry
Was it sufficiently easy to understand the method of selecting and deploying Mechanized Infantry (where to deploy it, how to find the buttons etc.)?
Yes but not immediately
What do you think about Mechanized infantry’s balance as a player using it?
It’s well balanced
It’s mostly okay
It’s poorly balanced because it’s too strong
It’s poorly balanced because it’s too weak
What do you think about Mechanized infantry’s balance as a player fighting against it?
It’s well balanced
It’s too hard to spot and destroy
It’s too easy to spot and destroy
What do you think about the Mechanized Infantry in-game models?
They look good
Nothing to write home about but acceptable
They’re ugly
Have you encountered any technical bugs when using Mechanized Infantry?
Yes, critical bugs
Yes, major bugs
Yes, but only minor bugs
Tell us about the Infantry bugs you have found.
Your answer
For each infantry type – AT squad, sniper, mortar squad, please let us know what you think about their usefulness in battle:
Too strong
Strong but not overpowered
Adequately useful
Weak, but still useful
AT Squad
Mortar Squad
Too strong
Strong but not overpowered
Adequately useful
Weak, but still useful
AT Squad
Mortar Squad
Coaxial Machineguns
Do you play the MBTs that have the option to use coaxial MGs?
Yes, that’s my favorite class
Yes, but they aren’t my first choice
Only a little
Not at all
What do you think about the introduction of coaxial machineguns in general?
Great idea!
It's ok
I don't care about it
Bad idea
VERY bad idea
What do you think about the coaxial MG feature?
It’s well balanced
It’s mostly okay
It’s poorly balanced because it’s too strong
It’s poorly balanced because it’s too weak
Have you encountered any technical bugs when using coaxial MGs (post-hotfix)?
Yes, critical bugs
Yes, major bugs
Yes, but only minor bugs
Tell us about the coaxial MGs bugs you have found.
Your answer
Additional Feedback
Please let us know about any other feedback you might have.
Your answer
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