2022 Unofficial LessWrong Demographics Census
This census is divided into sections. All together, it is fairly long! At any point, you should feel free to decide you're done and scroll to the bottom to submit the survey. Ideally you'd do this just after reaching the end of a section, but the important thing is to remember to submit it.

I am not a member of the LessWrong staff or official site administration. I'm just another user, one stepping up to the lineage of the Demographics Census which is (on all the cases I could find) run by someone in the community.
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You understand that the census is closed, and your answer will not be counted?
Private Mark whether to make your responses private; ie exclude them when this data is made public. Keep in mind that although it should in theory be difficult to identify you from your survey results, it may be possible if you have an unusual answer to certain questions, for example your Less Wrong karma. Please also be aware that even if this box is checked, the person collecting the surveys (Screwtape) will be able to see your results (but will keep them confidential) *
ID Key
On some past surveys, there's been an option for people to include an ID key. If you want, you can enter your ID key here. If you'd like to generate one, I suggest using https://correcthorse.pw/ but any typical method to make reasonably random keys should work.
Previous Surveys
Have you taken previous incarnations of the Less Wrong Census/Survey?
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Did you also take the ACX 2022 Survey?
If so, we appreciate you also taking this survey.
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Section 1: Basic demographics
If you answer nothing else, please at least answer this section in full.
Age Please write only your age in years, with no other text or characters. For example, 18
If multiple possible answers, please choose the one you most identify with. Ten popular answers are given below; otherwise please write your country into "Other" in the same format as the answers given
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State / Province / Prefecture
Please enter the full name of the state, province, prefecture or other subregion you live in. Note that this is one of the easier ways to de-anonymize yourself accidentally, and it's perfectly fine to skip this question.
With what race do you most identify? "Hispanic" is a term mostly used in the US referring to people whose ethnic background is from Mexico, Central America, and South America.
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Section 2: Sex, Gender, and Relationships
What sex were you assigned at birth?
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With what gender do you primarily identify?
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Sexual Orientation
What is your sexual orientation?
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Relationship Style
What is your preferred relationship style?
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Number of Current Partners
(for example, 0 if you are single, 1 if you are in a monogamous relationship, higher numbers for polyamorous relationships)
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Relationship Goals
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Relationship Status What is your current relationship status?
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Living With
Who do you currently live with most of the time?
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How many children do you have? (Do not count sperm-donations)
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More Children
Are you planning on having more children? Answer yes if you don't have children but want some, or if you do have children but want more.
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Section 3: Work and Education
Work Status
What do you currently do?
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In what field do you currently work or study? If more than one, please choose most important.
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What is your highest degree earned?
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Have you completed your formal education?
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Section 4: Politics and Religion
This is the last of the obvious demographic questions. If you finish this section and then decide you're done, you'll have given us a good idea of what general kind of person reads LessWrong.
Given that no label can completely describe a person's political views, with which of these labels do you MOST identify? You will have the chance to give more detail later if you wish.
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Religious Views
How would you describe your religious views?
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Religious Denomination
If you are religious, which best describes the religion you practice? If atheist, please skip this question.
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Family Religion
How would you describe the religious views of your family when you were growing up?
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Religious Background
What is your family's religious background, as of the last time your family practiced a religion?
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Moral Views
With which of these moral philosophies do you MOST identify?
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Section Five: Numbers That Purport to Measure Your Intelligence
This is basically a Demographics Bonus Round.
If unsure or decline to answer, please leave blank. Please give as precise an answer as you have available, but please use only respectable tests: no amateur Internet IQ tests please!
IQ Age
At what age, in years, did you take the IQ test above?
SAT scores out of 1600
American students take the SATs before going to college. Prior to 2005 and after 2016, the maximum score was 1600. If you have an SAT score out of 1600, please put it here; otherwise leave blank.
SAT scores out of 2400
American students take the SATs before going to college. From 2005 to 2016, the test was scored out of 2400. If you have an SAT score out of 2400, please put it here; otherwise leave blank.
ACT score out of 36
Some American students take the ACTs before going to college. If you have an ACT score out of 36, please put it here; otherwise leave blank.
Section 6: LessWrong, the basics
This section is all about the site you presumably found this census link on. It's pretty interesting to see how people find and use the site.
How did you find out about Less Wrong?
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Blog Referrals
If you were referred here by another blog (other than Overcoming Bias or SSC/ACX) or website, please name the site. Otherwise, please leave this blank.
Less Wrong Use
How do you use Less Wrong?
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About how much of the Sequences - the collection of Eliezer Yudkowsky's original posts - have you read? You can find a list of them at http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Sequences
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About how much of the Codex - a collection of Scott Alexander's original posts- have you read? You can find a list of them at https://www.lesswrong.com/codex

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Time in Community
How long, in years, have you been in the Overcoming Bias/Less Wrong community? Enter periods less than 1 year in decimal, eg "0.5" for six months (hint: If you've been here since Overcoming Bias started in November 2006, put 16)
Time on LW
How long, in number of minutes, do you spend on Less Wrong in the average day?
LW Karma
If you have no account, your karma score is 0. Be aware it may be easy to identify you from this information. Feel free to round your karma score if you want to be less identifiable.  If your karma score is 15,000 or above, you may put 15,000 if you want to be less identifiable.
Section 7: Less Wrong and the in-person community
This section is on how you interact with the community. I'd greatly appreciate you finishing this section, as I'm going to be spending a year working on meetups.
Attending Meetups
Do you attend Less Wrong meetups?
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Have you ever attended a rationalist-style Secular Solstice?
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Organizing Meetups
Do you organize Less Wrong meetups?
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If you answered yes to the last question...
If you organize Less Wrong meetups, consider bookmarking this Organizer Survey (https://forms.gle/sZvShZLp4zNAUi55A) to take later. Finish this survey first though. (For whatever definition of "finish" you decide on! Remember you can scroll to the bottom and hit submit whenever you decide you're done taking it.)
Is physical interaction with the Less Wrong community otherwise a part of your everyday life, for example you live with other Less Wrongers, or you are close friends and frequently go out with them?
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Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met through the Less Wrong community?
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Adjacent Community
Which of the following adjacent communities, if any, do you interact with in-person?
Section 8: Probabilities
Each of these questions will ask you for a probability. Please answer on a scale from 0% (definitely false) to 100% (definitely true). Do not include the percent sign in your answer. For your convenience, 0% will be interpreted as "epsilon" and 100% as "100 minus epsilon". Do NOT give your answer in the form of a decimal between 0 and 1 unless you deliberately mean for it to be interpreted as a very small percent. For example, 0.5 will be interpreted as 0.5%, that is, a one in two hundred chance, NOT as 50%.

There is no obligation to do research for these questions. If you really really want to research, you may do so using any resource EXCEPT the answers to previous Less Wrong surveys and discussion about this current Less Wrong survey.
Do you understand the instructions above?
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Test Question To See If You're Paying Attention
Please give the obvious answer to this question, so I can automatically throw away all surveys that don't follow the rules: What is the probability of a fair coin coming up heads?
P(Many Worlds)
What is the probability that the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is more or less correct?
What is the probability that non-human, non-Earthly intelligent life exists in the observable universe?
P(Aliens) 2
...in the Milky Way galaxy?
What is the probability that supernatural events (including God, ghosts, magic, etc) have occurred since the beginning of the universe?
What is the probability that there is a god, defined as a supernatural intelligent entity who created the universe?
What is the probability that any of humankind's revealed religions is more or less correct?
What is the probability that shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our society?
What is the probability that an average person cryonically frozen today will be successfully restored to life at some future time, conditional on no global catastrophe destroying civilization before then?
What is the probability that at least one person living at this moment will reach an age of one thousand years, conditional on no global catastrophe destroying civilization in that time?
What is the probability that our universe is a simulation?
What is the probability that significant global warming is occurring or will soon occur, and is primarily caused by human actions?
P(Global catastrophic risk)
What is the probability that the human race will make it to 2100 without any catastrophe that wipes out more than 90% of humanity?
P(Duplicated "The")
What is the probability that, prior to this question, the word "The" is duplicated unnecessarily on this survey? You are not allowed to use the search page function of your web browser to answer this.
Section 9: Other Traditional Less Wrong Census Questions, Which Used To Be Called More Complicated Probability Questions
This is the last of the traditional, reasonable questions for the LessWrong census. If you complete this section and decide you're done, know that you have given us all the data needed to compare against most previous years.
By what year do you think the Singularity will occur? Answer such that you think, conditional on the Singularity occurring, there is an even chance of the Singularity falling before or after this year. If you think a singularity is so unlikely you don't even want to condition on it, leave this question blank.
Cryonics Status
Are you signed up for cryonics?
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Calibration IQ
What do you think is the probability that the IQ you gave earlier in the survey is greater than the IQ of over 50% of survey respondents? If you left that blank, also leave this blank.
Calibration Question
Without checking a source, please give your best guess for the population of Canada in 1970 in millions (according to Wikipedia's "Population of Canada" article)
Calibration Answer
Without checking a source, estimate the probability that the answer you just gave is within 10% of the true value. Same rules for percents apply as above.
Section 10: Indulging my curiosity
This section is a bit sillier, and consists entirely of questions that I wanted to ask for my own curiosity. If you made it this far, I'd love it if you'd answer this too, but you have entirely discharged your census duties by this point. If you're looking for the bonus questions from previous years, they're in Section 11.
Most important lesson
If you pick one lesson of rationality that everyone in the world would magically and suddenly understand, what lesson do you pick? Please use the title of the relevant article, post, or video if possible.
Rationalist Fiction
What pieces of rationalist (or popular in Rationalist circles) fiction have you read and enjoyed?
Please do use the Other option to recommend fiction that should be on this list!
Favourite Book
What's your favourite book, rationalist or otherwise?
Pick a random number between 1 and 100, inclusive. Do not use any external random generator, just use your brain.
Using the same probability format as before, what are the odds that a randomly selected respondent (counting yourself) gave the same number you did for the last question? This should be about 1 if everyone is a perfect random number generator.
Hooded Strangers
Have you ever been approached by a stranger in a hooded robe who offered to share with you the secrets of the universe or to induct you into a secret society?
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Stranger Disappointment
If you answered no to the previous question, are you disappointed about that?
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Answer honestly: In your own view, is LessWrong a cult?
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Section 11: Detailed questions we've asked on previous surveys
This consists of questions that were on previous Less Wrong Censuses and probe for more detail. Feel free to answer whichever parts you like.
What is your approximate annual income in US dollars (non-Americans: convert at www.xe.com)? Obviously you don't need to answer this question if you don't want to. Please don't include commas or dollar signs.
How much money, in number of dollars, have you donated to charity over the past year? (non-Americans: convert to dollars at http://www.xe.com/ ). Please don't include commas or dollar signs in your answer. For example, 4000
What is your height *in number of centimeters*? (Americans: convert from feet/inches to centimeters at http://www.albireo.ch/bodyconverter/)
Have you ever donated blood?
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Do you follow any dietary restrictions related to animal products?
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Do you use spaced repetition systems like Anki, SuperMemo, etc?
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Primary Language
What is your primary language?
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Number of Languages
In how many languages do you consider yourself fluent?
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P(Space) Using the same reporting method as the previous probability questions - what is your probability that you will some day go into space?
Section 12: Bonus Politics Questions
Alright, I said earlier that you'd have a chance to give more detail on your political position. Here are the bonus politics questions from previous years. This is the second to last section, and the last section is very short.
Did you vote in your country's last major national election?
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If you are an American, what party are you registered with?
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How would you describe your level of interest in politics?
Not interested at all
Extremely Interested
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How would you describe your opinion on abortion laws?
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Immigration Opinion
How would you describe your opinion on immigration?
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Tax Opinion
How would you describe your opinion on taxes in your country?
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Minimum Wage
How would you describe your opinion on minimum wage laws in your country?
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How would you describe your opinion of feminism, as you understand the term? See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism for more information
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Human Biodiversity
How would you describe your opinion of the idea of "human biodiversity", as you  understand the term? No Wiki page available, but essentially it is the belief that there are important genetic differences between human  populations and that therefore ideas generally considered racist, such  as different races having different average intelligence or personality  traits, are in fact scientifically justified:
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Basic Income
How would you describe your opinion of a Basic Income Guarantee in your country? See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Income_Guarantee for more information.
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Great Stagnation
Do you believe we are currently in or entering a "Great Stagnation", as proposed by Tyler  Cowen and Peter Thiel, during which technological growth slows  drastically? See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Stagnation for more information
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Section 13: Final questions
Census Length
How long was this survey?
I'm happy answering more
This is way too long
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Have you answered this survey honestly and accurately?
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Any further comments?
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