History Variant II Part I (А1-А21)  
Choose one correct answer
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А1. Which religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama?
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A2. According to the ancient tradition Rome was founded in:
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A3. Which famous conqueror is mentioned in the following text: «When his brother Bleda, who had led a bigger part of the Huns, was artfully killed, <…> united all his people and many other tribes under one rule, and decided to invade the mightiest nations in the world - Romans and Visigoths. They said his army counted more than 500 thousand warriors».
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A4. Which historic event divides the Ancient Era and the Middle Ages?
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A5. Casts were an essential part of the social order in:
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A6. 1492 is the date of:
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A7. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 took place in:
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A8. Which of the following events happened the last:
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A9. The essential feature of the Enlightenment was:
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A10. Which country did not take part in the Crimean War:
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A11. This state was German’s ally during the WWI:
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A12. In which of the following states the Fascist dictatorship was established as a result of a civil war:
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A13. Read the text and reveal the year of the WWII when it was written: «…prime-minister was - Americans should join the war against Germany; …he did not believe in the resistance of Russians at all or believed in a very small measure. …He tried to assure us
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A14. Which conference took place during the WWII:
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A15. The United Nations was established in:
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A16. This President of the United States finished War in Vietnam:
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A17. Which of the following characterizes the term «Cold War»:
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A18. «Prague Spring» took place in:
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A19. The policy of Thatcherism
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A20. Which of the following countries has never been a member of CIS:
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A21. Terrorist attack against the United States, which involved skyjacking and led to destruction of the Twin Towers in New York happened in:
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