OCM Merch Store order questions
Have questions about your OCM Merch Store order? Let us know your order details here, and we'll help sort it out as soon as possible.

You may also find useful answers in the OCM Wiki section "OCM Merch Store - FAQ" at: https://onchainmonkey.gitbook.io/wiki/merch/ocm-merch-store-faq
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Discord Username & ID *
(e.g. goodocmmonkey#1234, or N/A if you do not have a Discord account)
Twitter *
(e.g. https://twitter.com/huuep, or N/A if you do not have a Twitter account)
Email *
(Metagood Team and/or vendor will reach out via direct message/email if the information on this form needs to be clarified, or if there are any shipping issues.)
First Name *
Last Name *
Address (Line 1) *
Your OCM merch order shipping address.
Address (Line 2)
Apt/Unit/Suite, etc.
City *
State / Province *
Postal / ZIP Code *
(Enter N/A if your address does NOT have a Postal/ZIP Code.)
Country *
(Write full name of country.)
Phone *
(numbers only, please include area code)
Order ID (36-characters long)
To access your OCM Merch Store order history: Connect your accounts to the OCM website, then go to your "My Account" page and click on the green "Orders" button under the "My Info" section. Here you'll find your OCM Merch Store "Orders" history.
Which product(s) in your order do you have questions about?
Anything else we should know?
Is all of the information above correct? *
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