Self-criticism scale
When things go wrong in our lives or don’t work out as we hoped, and we feel we could have done better, we sometimes have negative and self-critical thoughts and feelings. These may take the form of feeling worthless, useless or inferior etc. However, people can also try to be supportive of them selves. Below are a series of thoughts and feelings that people sometimes have. Read each statement carefully and circle the number that best describes how much each statement is true for you.

Please use the scale below

0     Not at all like me
1 A little bit like me
2 Moderately like me
3 Quite a bit like me
4 Extremely like me
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1. I am easily disappointed with myself *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
2. There is a part of me that puts me down. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
3. I am able to remind myself of positive things about myself *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
4. I find it difficult to control my anger and frustration at myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
5. I find it easy to forgive myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
6. There is a part of me that feels I am not good enough. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
7. I feel beaten down by my own self-critical thoughts. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
8. I still like being me. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
9. I have become so angry with myself that I want to hurt or injure myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
10. I have a sense of disgust with myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
11. I can still feel lovable and acceptable. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
12. I stop caring about myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
13. I find it easy to like myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
14. I remember and dwell on my failings. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
15. I call myself names. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
16. I am gentle and supportive with myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
17. I can’t accept failures and setbacks without feeling inadequate. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
18. I think I deserve my self-criticism. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
19. I am able to care and look after myself. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
20. There is a part of me that wants to get rid of the bits I don’t like. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
21. I encourage myself for the future. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
22. I do not like being me. *
Not at all like me
Extremely like me
If you are interested in participating in free online training aimed to reduce the negative consequences of self-criticism, please leave us your contact email.
Thank you for you time and energy!
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