APACS - Virtual Leadership Training Institute for STEP and CSTEP
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Please submit a single registration per Institution when possible. You will receive a separate invoice for each registration form submitted. Registration costs are $250 per Program. Registration will allow you to invite all your students for this event.  Program directors will receive a customized APACS invoice to process.  Once payment is received, a link to the separate sessions will be shared with paid registrants to share with their students.

Due to the closing of the fiscal year, registration payments via corporate or campus credit card is preferred and highly encouraged but not required. Processing manual payment does require additional time and we ask that manual payments be processed expeditiously, especially when going through RF-SUNY and RF-CUNY.
Name of your Institution: *
Program(s): *
Provide below the contact information of the Program Director or person to whom the Invoice should be addressed.
Name: *
Email Address: *
Physical Campus Address: *
Estimated number of STEP students who will attend:
Estimated number of CSTEP students who will attend:
Estimated number of Other Program students who will attend:
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