NSDC Data Science Project -  Yahoo Finance – Stock Data Project
Thank you for your interest in the National Student Data Corps (NSDC) Data Science Projects.

The NSDC DSPs provide virtual collaboration and networking opportunities for data science learners of all ages, skill-levels, and education-levels. Participants learn data science tools and techniques, and find leadership and professional development opportunities with support from NSDC Project Mentors.

This SQL project is designed for beginners who want to practice writing SQL queries using a real-world dataset. You will leverage a collection of the COVID-19 data maintained by Our World in Data, updated daily and including data on confirmed cases, deaths, and testing, as well as other variables of potential interest. The main goal is to help you become familiar with SQL syntax and basic data analysis tasks. You will gain access to comprehensive explanations of SQL queries and concepts, and interactive coding examples and challenges.

You may apply to participate individually or you may apply with a team of your own (2-4 individuals).

Please complete the following Google Form. Once you complete this form, the NSDC HQ Team will reach out to you with further information.

A Gmail account will be required to participate in the NSDC DSP. Please create a Gmail account if you do not have one.

Any questions, please email nsdc@nebigdatahub.org.
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Email Address (Please supply a Gmail address. A Gmail account will be required to complete the NSDC Data Science Project): *
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Please list the institution or organization that you are affiliated with (if applicable, not required):
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If you would like to apply with a team of your own, please provide the other members' names and Gmail addresses below (up to 3 additional members). Otherwise, please skip this question.
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