Worksplorer Preferences Questionnaire
Thank you for completing our preferences questionnaire. Your input helps us better serve our customers and align with market needs, and we greatly value your input.
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Are you planning on working remotely in the next twelve months? *
If you are planning to work remotely, where?  *
Is there a specific time of year that is most ideal for you to work remotely and if so, what time of year?  Check all that apply. *
Which currently best describes the ideal type of remote work for you? Choose the one that best applies. *
Do you have a bucket list of destinations?  If so, list them below. *
How would you describe your travel style and preferences? *
What is most important to you when it comes to getting assistance with remote work? *
Where do you like to work remotely? *
What drives your desire to work remotely? (Select all that apply) *
Do you have any time zone requirements? *
What would make your remote work the perfect scenario? *
What would you like to most avoid when it comes to working remotely? *
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