Attendance Form to Report Student Absence, Tardy, and Early Dismissal
You child's attendance is key to a successful school year. We understand emergencies do come up which would impact them coming to school. If your students continually miss days throughout the year , we will work with our students to keep them on track with attendance and provide support. 
  • For early dismissal please allow 1 hour notice
  • Fever protocol - students with fevers 100 or more may not come to school until they have been fever free for a period of 24 hours with NO medication.

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Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student Grade
Reason for Absence
It you selected "Other" or "Illness" as the reason for absence please use the space below to explain the details of the absence.
My student has an early dismissal and I will pick them up at:
My student will be late and arrive at:
Parent Name
Person picking up student if different than parent
Phone number parent can be reached at
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