DAAV Membership Form 2022
Membership Dues (Renewals every January, Waiver of fees available).
MEMBERS of LOCAL Democratic committees and YOUNG DEMOCRATS: $15 for one year, $60 for 5 years, or $120 for 10 years
REGULAR: $25 for one year, $100 for 5 years, or $200 for 10 years
Checks payable to DAAV, 3757 Madison Lane, Falls Church VA 22041
Or pay online https://secure.actblue.com/donate/daavnow

Virginia Voter Portal https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformatio2
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Your congressional district?
Are you a member of a local democratic committee?
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Are you a member of local Young democrats?
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How can you help- and/or which committee would you like to join?
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