Volunteer Application EponaFest 2025
Form to apply for volunteer at EponaFest 2025!

General Information
Thank you for your interest in helping EponaFest become a reality!

We are in need of many helping hooves and we sure would like to hear from you! Go ahead and fill the form below, we will then come back to you.
Once you submit your application, our team will review the submission. It will take time to go through all applications, so please be patient.

You'll have free access to the convention and meals covered in our restaurant's venue
If your application is accepted we will contact you and let you join our discord server for communication and coordination
You must be over 18 years old and have a valid ID recognized by the EU.

By submitting the form you agree to our Data Procession Policy | Compliant with EU and Italian Regulations
Email *
Your nickname *
Country *
Your Discord handle *
Do you have any particular skills that would be useful at EponaFest? *
And what are the things that you cannot absolutely do? *
Which languages do you speak? *
Introduce Yourself! Why do you want to help us out?
Any previous experiences at pony-cons/events?
Additional Notes
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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