Mic Drop Comedy Workshop Sign-up
Mic Drop Comedy Workshop is every Wednesday from 6-8 PM before the open mic. Please include your name and the date you are signing up for. It is not guaranteed that you will get a turn every week, however, if you do not get a turn you will be moved to the front of the list the following week.  If you do not attend the following week, your spot in line will be forfeited and you will need to sign up again. The event is free to attend and giving notes and listening to others feedback can be an awesome tool for improving your joke writing. If you do get up there is a $10 suggested donation to be paid in cash or Venmo @thejokementor at the end of the session. Every set is given 6 minutes to run material and get feedback from the room. The comic onstage is allowed to use that time any way they see fit.
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Comments: (i.e. are you coming in from out of town?, have you been unable to get a turn for a certain number of weeks?, are you unable to be there at the beginning of drop in?)  *
Date you are signing up for *
Would you like to be signed up for the open mic? (You will only be signed up if you actually come to drop in and participate the whole time) *
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