Watersprite Creative Futures Workshops 2024-25
Welcome to our new programme of Creative Futures workshops for 16-18 year olds in and around Cambridgeshire! 

This is aimed at students with an interest in Film & TV and the Arts more widely. Our workshops are entirely free and are a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. 

Please fill in this form yourself to register interest and one of our team will be in touch. 

'Phone Filmmaking Workshop', ARU, Friday 22nd November, 5-8pm
'Getting into the Nitty Gritty of Film', ARU, 28th January, 5-8pm
'Creative Late', ARU, 19th February, 5-8pm

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Full Name  *
Age *
School / College *
I would like to attend:  *
My parent/guardian will provide written permission via email so I can attend.  *
Do you have any access requirements?  *
If yes - please provide more information
Emergancy contact name  *
Emergancy contact number *
What relation are they to you?  *
Parent/guardian email address (or personal email if over 18) *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? 
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