Talk & Dev - Showcase Registration
Thank you for your interest in showing your project at Talk & Dev in Munich. The number of available slots is limited, and they’re allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make sure to sign-up in advance and we will get back to you shortly with a confirmation.

You can learn more about Talk & Dev at: – if you have any questions or need clarification, please get in touch at
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Contact Email *
Game Name *
Which event would you like to showcase your title at? *
Company / Individual behind the project *
Social Media & Website Links - For Announcement
Prior to the event we would like to announce your inclusion in our line-up. If available, please provide the following links!
 Facebook Page
Description & Image
Short Description *
Short description of your project (max 140 characters).
Link to Screenshot
Ideal size: 1920x1080, please provide a static image - gifs or video only in addition!
Space Requirements *
Please clarify how much space (tables, chairs, m², etc) you will require to show your project at Talk & Dev.
I hereby confirm that I've taken notice that the organizers will only provide a table, chair(s), electricity & WiFi. Everything else will need to be provided by myself. *
If you find yourself in a situation where you would require further support to make a showcase happen, please reach out to and we'll look into further options on how to support you.
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Este formulário foi criado em Christopher Wulf. Denunciar abuso