French 8 end of term reflection
This is due at 3:15pm on Thursday February 27th!!
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Which period are you in? *
What is the initial of your last name? (ex: Romain would be 'R') *
What is your first name? *
Did you complete all assigned work (on time) this term? If no, please elaborate/explain. *
Which work habit mark did you earn this term (based on your ClassDojo, the work ethic rubric, your own reflections)? *
You get to write your own comments for your report card! Your answers to the next three questions will be used on your report card. Question #1: Tell me what you're good at in terms of your French skills. What have you learned to do this term that you do well? Please start the answer with: I can... *
Question #2: Tell me what French skill(s) you'd like to work on. Please start the answer with: I would like to work on ...
Question #3: Tell me about your work habits (how well you work in class, completing homework, studying, participating etc..). Please start the answer with: This term I earned a (G/S/N) because... *
Is there anything else you would like me (Mme Romain) to know? This will NOT appear on your report card :)
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