Lights Out Philly Residential Pledge
In 2021, Bird Safe Philly launched the Lights Out Philly Program to make Philadelphia and surrounding areas safer for migratory and resident birds, and since then, nearly 200 commercial, residential and municipal participants pledged to turn off their lights at night to help birds. Thank you to all those that took part!

For 2025, we are once again asking all residents to minimize unnecessary lights and make some lighting changes during the peak spring and fall migration periods of April 1 - May 31 and August 15 - November 15, from midnight to 6am. Specific actions include the following:

 Turn off spot lights and/or decorative lighting
 Turn off interior lights when leaving a room
 Draw blinds/shades if indoor lighting required after midnight
 Use down-shielded lighting outdoors
 Where possible, put outdoor lighting on timers and/or motion sensors

Please note: Physical addresses are requested so that we can map locations that have signed up to participate. We will not publish participants addresses nor will we share your address with anyone outside of Bird Safe Philly.
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Bird Safe Philly is a collaborative effort led by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Delaware Valley Ornithological Club, National Audubon Society, Valley Forge Audubon Society, and Wyncote Audubon Society. Visit
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