Know that your perspective and input is very meaningful to Younger Generation Church. Although circumstances may have kept you from joining us in person, we would love to hear from you. Would you take 4 minutes or less to complete this survey, offering your candid feedback as it pertains to the overall ministry of YG Church [http://ygchurch.com].
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Younger Generation Church
Please base your feedback on the overall ministry of @ygchurch which includes the worship experience, LIFEgroups, events, social media, online broadcasts, social events, etc. You can note specific aspects in your comments, just know we are looking for your evaluation of everything and anything YG.
In YG, what is working? *
In YG, what is missing? *
In YG, what is confusing? *
In the next two years, what would you like to see in YG? *
Any other comments or feedback?
Thank you so much!
Your feedback is completely anonymous. If you would like to provide your name to help us follow up on your ideas and insights you can, but it's completely optional.
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