Caselli Ride Day - Vet Track Monitor Volunteer

Event: THE RIDE DAY 2023 Commemorating Kurt Caselli
Location: Fox Raceway, 12799 CA-76, Pala, CA 92059
Volunteer Date & Time: Saturday, December 2nd, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Dress Code: Caselli Volunteer T-shirt and Safety Vest (both provided)

Role Overview: As a Vet Track Monitor, you play a crucial role in ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for specific groups during designated practice sessions. You will be stationed at the entrance of the Vet track, tasked with the responsibility of monitoring and controlling access to the track.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Monitoring Entry: Ensure that only kids, women, beginner, and adaptive bike riders enter the track during their respective 30-minute practice sessions.
  • Maintaining Safety: Be vigilant in identifying any riders who may sneak past or ride dangerously. In such instances, use the provided radio to report to the Flaggers. Include details like bike color, plate number (if any), and any identifiable gear.
  • Session Timings:
    • 9:45-10:15 AM: Practice for Kids, Women, and Beginners.
    • 11:15-11:45 AM: Practice for Kids, Women, and Beginners.
    • 11:45 AM-12:15 PM: Practice for Adaptive Riders.

Event Details:

  • Location: Start at the Caselli booth. Check in at 9:30 am, ask for Lindsey and inform them you're a volunteer.
  • Time Commitment: Arrive at 9:30 am for a brief walkthrough of your duties. Your shift will be from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
  • Equipment Provided: You will receive a radio, safety vest, and KCF Volunteer T-shirt upon checking in.
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First & Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
Date of Birth: *
Availability Confirmation:
Can you confirm your availability on Saturday, December 2nd, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM?
Certifications (if applicable):
Do you hold any certifications that might be relevant to this role, such as first aid/CPR?
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