Digital Stylist. En
We are a team that develops technological solutions in the Fashion Tech field. This form will help us better understand our audience and produce a sought-after product. We respect your time and opinion, so everyone who fills in the form will get a free trial of the beta product!
The form consists of 20 questions and will take 5-7 minutes of your time.
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How old are you? *
What is your gender? *
What is your field of activity?
What is your job title? *
Where do you spend most of your time? *
Do you have an immediate family? *
How often do you attend online meetings?
How often do you attend offline meetings?
Do you like the way you dress most of the time?
Do you know what kind of clothes suit you?
How often do you receive compliments about your style?
How often do you forget the clothes you have in your wardrobe? For example, you find a T-shirt you bought a few months ago and have never worn.
Do you have compiled outfits for each item in your wardrobe?
Do you like the way you combine clothes in your wardrobe?
How often do situations arise where none of the clothes in your wardrobe fit the format of the event?
When was the last time this happened?
What irritates you about your choice of clothes (from your wardrobe and in the shop)? How do you solve these problems now?
How do you prefer to buy clothes?
Do you mind taking part in the in-depth interview?
If you answered "No" to the previous question, please write your name and preferred way of contact.
Thank you for your time!
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