The Purple Court Ambassadors
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How to become an Ambassador Courtier
We are looking for creative folks to join The Purple Court Ambassador Program for February, March & April. Ambassador Courtiers will receive free products, a unique discount to use on products, plus an exclusive discount code to share with your followers!

If you are selected, we will send you two products of your choice for free and you'll be required to post at least 3 times about each product you received. Plus, we ask that you promote our newest products & sales events through your social channels and that you share your photos & videos for our use.

Every time you share a post with our products you must mention your exclusive discount code for your followers. You must also state in your profile that you are a rep/ambassador of The Purple Court.

Please note that our selection process is NOT based on how many followers you have. We are looking for creative folks that put passion into their reels and photos. How well you interact with your followers will also play a role in our selection. Ideally you should already be familiar with our brand and products.

Due to the extreme high cost of shipping this Ambassador search is limited to the United States. Deadline to submit your application is January 15th. Selected ambassadors will be notified before January 21st.
First and Last Name *
Are you currently located in the United States?
Why do you want to be our ambassador? *
Instagram: *
The Contract Period
An approved Brand Rep/Ambassador will be involved for an agreed specified period of approximately 3 months. A Brand Rep/Ambassador may apply to renew after each 3 month period to continue on in the program.

What the Ambassador Courtiers get:
  • Two FREE The Purple Court products of your choosing!
  • Your own personal and unique 25% OFF coupon code to use for the duration of your ambassador term JUST FOR YOU to apply to UNLIMITED purchases for products for yourself!
  • Your own discount code to share with your followers. This code will be for 15% off.
  • Insider updates on The Purple Court news & releases
  • Lots of love, support, and appreciation!
  • Exposure and recognition on The Purple Court social medias and/or website - Instagram/TikTok/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest @thepurplecourt

What's expected of Ambassador Courtiers:

  • Having a public and very active Instagram account.
  • Agrees to promote our brand on Instagram via posts (photo/video reels) using The Purple Court products thrice (x3) per month at a minimum. All posts tagging @thepurplecourt and hashtagging #thepurplecourt.
  • When you receive your The Purple Court Ambassador box we expect you to share unboxing videos/posts/stories!
  • Please make sure products can be seeing clearly in your photos/video reels. Feel free to share your Instagram posts across all your other social media (TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest)
  • Genuine love, support, and enthusiasm for our products and brand shown in comments on Instagram.
  • You are encouraged but not required to search the #thepurplecourt hashtag on Instagram and show your support. We encourage you to please leave comments on other ambassadors and customers photos of their The Purple Court posts and reels.
  • Please share with us via email non-watermarked photos & videos to, these will be use in our own socials & website, you will always be credited.
  • Promotes and shares ALL company announcements such as new products, sales events, promotions, giveaways, and events so please check your email and/or Instagram messages!
  • The Purple Court reserves the right to use any and all photographs or content submitted on our social media accounts, promotional materials, website and advertisements.

End of Contract
We desire to protect all our brand ambassadors and our brand. We have the right to withdraw you from the contract at anytime, without question if we find you are not abiding to all the terms and conditions or find any conflict of interest. We desire to protect the image of all our Ambassador Courtiers as well as our own brand.

We look forward to growing with you!
Do you agree with the terms & conditions shared above?
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