Bristol Pond Aquatic Invasive Species Removal Sign-up
Join Lewis Creek Association and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation to help remove aquatic invasive species (brittle naiad and European frogbit) from Bristol Pond, an ecologically sensitive area. We will be meeting at Bristol Pond on Monday, July 25th, 2-6 PM to receive training and remove as many invasives as we can. Rain date is Friday, July 29th, 2-6 PM. Please come prepared with shoes you can get muddy, sunscreen and hat, and swimsuit and snorkel gear (if you have it and are willing to get wet to remove brittle naiad)! Bring your own kayak or canoe for frogbit removal. Be aware that there are some leeches present, so if you plan to swim and snorkel, you may want to consider wearing long clothes you can get wet, and a change of clothes for afterwards.