01E 2024 DRG Vocations Retreat: Letter from Clergy
All applicants for the DRG Vocations retreat are required to submit a letter from their parish priest or other clergy representative of the faith community (parish, mission, campus ministry, chaplaincy) with which the applicant is actively involved.  

Your honest feedback is essential in helping the DRG Vocations Team better understand and support the vocational discernment and development of the applicant.  

Thank you for your contribution and participation in this process!

Deadline for submission of this form is November 1st.

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Email *
Vocation Retreat Applicant Full Name *
Clergy Person Full Name *
Clergy Person Title, Role, and Congregation (or other Ministry Context) *
Clergy Person Email *
Clergy Person Phone *
For how long, and in what context(s) have you known the applicant? *
What particular gifts and strengths do you see in the applicant?   *
What challenges and growth edges do you see in the applicant? *
What else can you share about how God may be calling the applicant to grow in ministry? How do you sense the applicant may be called to learn and grow?  How do you sense the applicant may be called to minister or serve? *
Do you have a sense of the order of ministry to which this applicant may be called to exercise ministry? *
Are there any other comments, thoughts, concerns, observations, or insights regarding the applicant that you'd like to share?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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