Astrologers in Lisbon - Apply to join The Collective
Hey Friend! I am so happy that you're curious to learn more about The Collective AstroNest. Welcome! I'd love you to join us!

This is a baby I gave birth to on the Mars-Venus conjunction in Aquarius, in February 2024. It's still an infant. Its mission is to unite Astrologers from all traditions, in and around Lisbon, as well as throughout Portugal in collaborative, supportive ways, which can also provide means for sustainable practices and deeply nourishing endeavours for all involved.

Please take a moment to answer a few questions, if you're keen to be a part in my vision and I'll be in touch soon!

Thank you!

Martina, Founder of Astrologers in Lisbon
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Email *
Best contact number including dialling code.
Your full name. *
Which tradition(s) of Astrology do you practice? (select all that apply) *
Which type(s) of readings do you practice? (select all that apply) *
Are you?
Why are you interested in joining The Collective? *
Do you have professional liability insurance? *
If you don't have professional liability insurance, are you willing to get it? *
Where are you interested to be featured? *
Do you offer readings... *
The intention of the platform is to connect you to people interested in your work, through advertising your products and services across different channels, with a mutually agreed regularity. The Collective will also meet on a monthly basis, in-person in Lisbon, to build community and share our love for the art of Astrology. This can look like structured informational events as well as free-flowing discussions. Astrologers have the chance to be highlighted and present to their peers or the public on a range of topics, to connect to potential clients as well as other Astrologers and divination practitioners. Which exchange types do you consider fair, if you were to become part of The Collective? *
Are you interested in having a 15 min virtual call to chat more? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share at this stage? Please use the space below. *
Thank you for your time completing the form. I'm excited for us to work together! Please expect an email from me within 48hours.

Martina, Founder of Astrologers in Lisbon. xx
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