#138 TRAQ Prep with Casey Snyder
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1. What does TRAQ stand for? *
1 punto
2. True or False? An Arborist with a degree in Forestry MUST also be a Certified Arborist to take the TRAQ course. *
1 punto
3. Which Area of Study does the TRAQ course cover? *
1 punto
4. The process of evaluating the likelihood that a tree will fail and cause damage and/or injury: *
1 punto
5. Which item is NOT factored in when determining the "Failure Potential" of a Tree? *
1 punto
6. True or False? If there is no Target for a tree to hit, then there is no Risk. *
1 punto
7. A Limited Visual Inspection involves: *
1 punto
8. True of False? For a strong structure, a branch should be LARGER in diameter than the trunk it is attached to. *
1 punto
9. What is White Rot? *
1 punto
10. What is a characteristic of Sapwood Root? *
1 punto
11. Select ALL that Apply: Why is Tree Risk Assessment still valuable AFTER a tree has fallen? *
1 punto
12. True or False? A tree needs only thin layers of active xylem and phloem to remain green, but it needs larger amounts of wood to remain stable. *
1 punto
13. Select All that Apply: What are some common hand tools to help with Tree Risk Assessment *
1 punto
14. Who is the ultimate decision maker when it comes to accepting the level of Risk? *
1 punto
15. True or False? A Homeowner is REQUIRED to accept your advice and/or hire your company to mitigate risk after a Tree Risk Inspection Report is provided. *
1 punto
16. What is the failure to exercise due care? *
1 punto
17. What 3 Factors are considered in Tree Risk Assessment? *
1 punto
18. Upon completion of the course/passing of the exam, how long are you TRAQ qualified?
1 punto
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19. True or False? Decay will ALWAYS be easily detected upon visual inspection. *
1 punto
20. Common signs of a Neglected Tree include: *
1 punto
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