Combine Shipping Form
Please fill up this form if you have more than one order and would like to combine shipping for your orders.

❀ Any excess shipping will be refunded when I am packing your order, but depends on the weight of your pins as packages are weighed
❀ If you are combining an instock pin with a preorder pin, your order will be ship out once the preorder pins arrive

✿ Do input your name and email address used to place your order
✿ Please ensure that all the information keyed in are correct!

If you have any queries, please contact me:
Instagram: @violapansypins
Twitter: @violapansypins

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Email *
Name *
Full Address *
Contact Number *
Order #1
Order #2
Order #3 (or more if you have more than 3 orders)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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