International Female Ride Day VENDING Opportunity @Throttle Company May 6th, 2023 2:30pm-5:00pm
Throttle Company Vintage Motorcycles and The Litas Columbus are co-hosting a womxn-focused vending market and ride for International Female Ride Day on May 6, 2023.

Vendor Set Up 1:30pm-2:30pm
Vending 2:30pm-4:45pm
Riders/Attendees arrive 2:30pm-5:00pm
Official Ride leaves Throttle Co (KSU) 5:00pm
Vendors tear down 4:45-5:15pm

Are you, or do you know, a womxn-owned or womxn-focused business? Submit your information for consideration for a FREE vending spot at our womxn's moto market in celebration of International Female Ride Day! 

You don’t need to be a motorcycle related business but keep in mind whether or not your business or products will appeal to womxn who ride and other patrons who stop by the shop that day! We are inclusive and welcome businesses that cater to all womxn!

All vendors would be responsible for their own cash handling and booth/vendor set up. Each vendor will get as much outdoor space as they need, within reason (typically a 10x10 space). Vendors will supply their own tables, chairs, tent (if applicable) and internet access for payments (if needed). 

*No MLM-type businesses need apply*
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What is YOUR name? *
What is your BUSINESS/PROUDCT name?
What is your business/product you'd like to vend? *
What about your business or product would make a great addition to our Women's Moto Market? *
Though ABSOLUTELY NOT required to vend, do you ride? 
Are you able to set up at (or before) 1:30pm on May 6th AND stay set up until at least 4:45pm?  *
Do you have a website and/or social media for your business/product?
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