DLKB Custom Form
Please complete one form for every custom item you would like to order. If you order multiple custom items, they  will be made and shipped out together in the same shipment.

Please keep in mind that filling out this form does not guarantee your custom order will be placed as it depends on the request. The store owner, Kitty, will contact you either via social media or email to confirm your custom order after the form has been submitted. After the details have been confirmed, Kitty will send a custom invoice to your email to be paid. Custom orders are only officially placed once they are paid for in full.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Kitty either via email (dlilkittenzboutique@gmail.com) or Instagram (@dlilkittenz_boutique).
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Please indicate your contact preference: *
If you answered "social media" above, please indicate the platform (i.e. Instagram) AND your username handle (i.e. @dlilkittenz_boutique). *
What custom item would you like to order? *
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