RTX 3080 Order Submission
This database helps the gaming community track the flow of new RTX cards to actual human users 😊 Use this to compare where you are in the queue, see prices, ETA’s and how all the cards and stores are stacking up.

You filling out this form helps make all of this possible and takes less than 1 minute to complete.

No personal or sensitive information will be publicly visible.  All information is for the sole purpose of providing summary statistics as per the below dashboards and data will be masked wherever displayed in the outputs. Providing your email is necessary as it allows you to update your order status later as you receive updates from your store.

Summary dashboards available here:

Weblink (shareable on twitter / facebook / etc): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSBNm-ywzBIEkJFBJY4WLXPo3_jL_TZ2PTqMFxdDGD2njv_k3OKCUvnhw6yNlsnOSMVr-gkty_5BmOH/pubhtml?gid=955765659&single=true [Credit to Simonwood 0609 (whirlpool) for setting up the dashboard]

Data Studio link (if you like pretty charts, and can play around with the data): https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/b82863d9-17f2-46f4-babe-d9db3d5bc1f3/page/TuwgB [Credit to Osir1s (whirlpool) for setting up Data Studio]

Australia RTX 3080 Hall of fame:

Discord - https://discord.com/invite/TrHcNKc
登入 Google 即可儲存進度。瞭解詳情
電子郵件 *
Which product line? *
Which brand and card? *
Which store did you purchase from? *
Cost (excluding shipping) *
Order ID
Include all characters please for example SO-1323454.  Your Order ID will not be displayed to others.  Providing this allows you to compare position in queue against others
Order Date (the date you placed your order) *
Order Time
Please make sure to select AM / PM
Order Status *
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
Google 並未認可或建立這項內容。 檢舉濫用情形 - 服務條款 - 隱私權政策