Teen Questionnaire
We want to do the best we can to make sure you have a wonderful time every time you are with us. The questions below will help us to be a blessing to you and to better serve your needs as a young person here at Bethel. Please fill out all that you are able to.
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Name *
Email *
Street Address *
City, State, Zip *
Phone number
Date of Birth *
What class are you graduating in? *
Current Grade *
What school do you go to? *
Do you play any extra-curricular sports? If so, what do you play? *
Do you participate in choir, band, orchestra or drama? If so, what?  *
What are some of your talents and strengths? *
What kinds of things do you do for fun? *
What is your favorite fast-food restaurant? *
What is your favorite drink? *
What is your favorite candy or snack? *
Is there anything that you hope to see the youth group do activity-wise in the coming year? *
Is there any youth activity you have been to that you disliked? If so, what and why? 
Is there subject that you really would like to hear more about from the Bible? *
Do you have any questions for me? 
Parental Guardian's Names *
Parental Guardian's Phone Numbers *
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